Dates & opening hours

23 April → 6 June 202

Opening hours:
Wednesday → Sunday
14:0019:00* (clo­sed on Monday & Tuesday)
* Different ope­ning hours:
Monday 6 June: par­cours open, except for Anatomical Theater
M Leuven: Closed after 18:00 & on Wednesday
Anatomical Theater: Closed on Sunday 5 June (from 16:00) and Monday 6 June (all day). 


Town Hall (Visit Leuven)
Address: Naamsestraat 3 3000 Leuven

Maps are avai­la­ble at the start at Visit Leuven in the City Hall or at the various loca­ti­ons.
You can also use the inter­ac­ti­ve map on this website.

By foot:
The enti­re par­cours takes approx. 2,5 à 3 hours (inclu­ding visit to the instal­la­ti­ons).
If you do not have time for the who­le par­cours, you can also choo­se one of the 3 dis­tricts’: Centrum — Kruidtuin — Vaartkom.

By bike:
You can also do it by bike, which will take approx. 1,5 à 2 hours.
You can­not go from Naamsestraat to Schapenstraat by bike via Van Dalepark (stairs), instead go via Ramberg. 

Timing tip:
Avoid the busiest times and visit Hear Here on week­days, or after 17:00 during the week­end.
Due to popu­la­ri­ty, the­re may be queu­es for the more fra­gi­le works in small spa­ces. Sound art demands some rest and atten­ti­on, tha­t’s why we ask you not to talk or play near the works, out of res­pect for the artists and the other listeners. 


Most of the loca­ti­ons are wheel­chair acces­si­ble unless other­wi­se not­ed in the info about the works.

Families & children

Visiting Hear Here with kids? Then don’t miss our child­ren’s gui­de (in Dutch). The gui­de is free and avai­la­ble at the start at Visit Leuven in the Town Hall and at the various indoor locations.



More info & contact

For ques­ti­ons, you can go to Visit Leuven from 10:00 to 17:00. At each work of art the­re is an infor­ma­ti­on panel and some­ti­mes also an atten­dant, who will be hap­py to help you. Do you want to read the infor­ma­ti­on in French? Just ask the atten­dant for the French trans­la­ti­on. For all other ques­ti­ons: ticket@​stuk.​be

Earcatcher Pieter Janssens

Especially for Hear Here, visu­al artist Pieter Janssens from Leuven cre­a­ted a public lis­te­ning sculp­tu­re. This earcat­cher’ is loca­ted on the Grote Markt and invi­tes you to lis­ten con­scious­ly to the sounds of the city.

Hear Here is more than a plea­su­re for the eye and ear : you can warp yourself in it com­ple­te­ly!
The Hear Here Hoodie is the per­fect sou­ve­nir of your Hear Here expe­rien­ce — and it’s tren­dy and com­fy to boot. For a mere 27 euro you can grab your size M or L — the model is over­si­zed, so the fit­ting is qui­te com­fy. Buy your hoodie via the link on the left and pick it up at Visit Leuven during Hear Here’s ope­ning hours: Wednesday to Friday 14:00 to 19:00. More ques­ti­ons? Mail us at ticket@​stuk.​be

A project by STUK Leuven, realised with the support of the City of Leuven, Flanders, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and KU Leuven.
Media partners: Klara & De Standaard.